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Aircraft Maintenance Licence

Required to be a certified aircraft technician.

What is the licence's purpose exactly

To keep high the performance and safety of aircrafts, maintenance should be performed regularly. Maintenance involves a series of tasks that follow very strict procedures in order to reduce human error at minimum.

After maintenance, EASA Regulation requires a certification for the aircraft before it can fly again:

"A certificate of release to service shall be issued before flight at the completion of any maintenance."

Versione inglese originale: “A certificate of release to service shall be issued before flight at the completion of any maintenance.”

A technician who possess the Aircraft Maintenance Licence (AML for short) is able to issue Certificates of Release to Service (CRS) when all maintenance tasks ordered have been properly carried out.

This privilege make the certified technician an important and very requested job position.

Benefits of possessing the licence

Licence Categories

The licence is divided in many categories based on the field of operation. The main categories are:

  • Category A, which is divided in:
    • A1 – Aeroplanes Turbine;
    • A2 – Aeroplanes Piston;
    • A3 – Helicopters Turbine;
    • A4 – Helicopters Piston.
  • Category B1, which is divided in:
    • B1.1 – Aeroplanes Turbine;
    • B1.2 – Aeroplanes Piston;
    • B1.3 – Helicopters Turbine;
    • B1.4 – Helicopters Piston;
  • Category B2 (Avionics) applicable to all aircrafts.

The full list of AML categories can be found in Annex III (Part-66) of EASA Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014

Requirements to apply for the AML

As written in Part-66 of EASA Regulation, the applicant need to satisfy the following requirements:

  • Be at least 18 years old;
  • Demonstrate by examination a level of knowledge of the appropriate Part-66 modules (known as Basic Modules) in accordance with Part-66 Appendix I;
  • Acquire years of practical maintenance experience on operating aircrafts.

The amount of examinations and years of practical maintenance depends on the licence category.

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